
Tonton Macoute - Don't make me cry (1971)

According to discogs...

Tonton Macoute was a progressive jazz/rock band formed in the UK in 1971 from the remaining 4 musicians of Windmill after the death of lead singer/guitarist Dick Scott in a road accident whilst on tour.


Mark-Almond - The City (1971)

Lojze Spacal, grafika 1937 - 1972

Cover of book Lojze Spacal, grafika 1937 -1972

Lojze Spacal

Summary pt. 1 

Summary pt. 2

Konji na gmajni (Horses on turf)

Spomin na otroška leta (Memory on my childhood)

Dolina treh mesecev (Valley of three moons)

Latnik na Krasu (Fruit-wall on Karst)

Viseči čolni (Suspended boats)

Mesto v zrcalu (City in mirror)

Okno na Krasu (Karstic window)

Nokturno v Istri (Nocturno in Istria)

Kraški portal (Karstic portal)

Večer v kamnolomu (Evening in stone-pit)

Lunin mrk na Krasu (Eclipse of the moon over Karst)

Mesečina na Krasu (Moonlight over Karst)

Mesečina v Istri (Moonlight over Istria)

Soline (Salterns)

Kraška pregrada (Karstic partition wall)

Kraška žena (Woman from Karst)

Kraške strukture (Karstic structures)

Kraški interjer (Karstic interior)

Predmestje (Downtown)

Znamenja na Krasu (Signs on Karst)

Dalmatinska obala (Dalmatian coast)

Jesenski dan (Autumnal day)

Zaljubljeni koli (Pales in love)